Beethoven Symphonie No 5 – To celebrate the 250th anniversary of Ludwig van Beethovens birth

Ludwig van Beethoven is one of the most frequently performed of all.classical composers. To celebrate the 250th anniversary of his birth we thought about his wonderfull Symphonie No 5. Maby Beethoven composed the Fifth Symphony like this? We don’t really know but it’s a fun way to think about it.

Florian Eggner (Beethoven)
Milan Karanowic
Gerhard Kaufmann
Rafael Catala

Arrangement: Gerhard Kaufmann

Videoproduction visible7
Christoph Kaufmann – camera work, editing
Philipp Glanninger – color grading

Wiener Cello Ensemble 5+1 – Behind the Scenes

Wiener Cello Ensemble 5+1 Studioproduction
Wiener Cello Ensemble 5+1 Videostudio
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Wiener Cello Ensemble 5+1 sound check
Wiener Cello Ensemble 5+1 two bows
wiener cello Ensemble 5plus1 soundcheck